Guide for Authors

Mishkat Quarterly Periodical, which is owned by the Astan Quds Razavi Islamic Research Foundation, with a focus on the teachings of the Qur'an, traditions, and Islamic culture, accept applied and promotional articles by university and seminary professors and researchers through The main audience is professors and graduates of the seminary and the university. Scientific growth and articles quality improvement, as well as the observance of the mentioned tendency, caused to receive a scientific-promotional rank from the Publications Review Commission in 1996.


Content Features


-Innovation in the article (new theory or hypothesis, a new problem, a new method and tool, or a new approach).

- Effectiveness and practicality of the article (research-oriented problem and design of research requirements and priorities as well as avoidance of parallel work).

- Efficiency of the article (having a research-analytical nature, logical structure and content coherence, with fluent and expressive writing and avoiding generalization and rhetorical prose).

-Applying various methods, tools and approaches in research, such as historical studies, comparative studies, sociology, psychology, especially interdisciplinary studies due to the multidimensionality of religious topics.

- The article should have sufficient and complete information and should be honest, accurate, clear and distinct, up-to-date, documented, and all related to the research problem.

The article should have a specific, useful, measurable and accessible, and executable goal commensurate with the researcher ability.



How to Organize the Article


The article should have a title, author details, abstract, keywords, introduction, main body, conclusion and references with the following characteristics:

-         Title: The title should be short, clear, inclusive and exclusive, attractive and related to the content of the article and be away from persuasion.

-         Author details: include name, surname, academic rank, degree, field, scientific group, affiliated institution and e-mail address.

-         Abstract: It contains the most important contents of the article briefly. The number of abstract words should be less than 150 words and should include the statement of the problem, purpose, necessity and scope of the research, the method and manner of the research and its important findings. Introducing the topic and listing the topics or reviewing them in the abstract is a common mistake.

-         Keywords: The number of keywords should be selected up to five words with a combination of general and specific words, appropriate to the main topic of the article to make the article easier to retrieve.

-         Introduction: In the introduction, the research problem, goal, necessity, background and research method should be stated in more detail to prepare the reader's mind.

-         Main body: In the main body, the author should express and analyze the importance and dimensions of the problem, as well as the opinions about it, and after evaluating other theories, present his point of view with sufficient explanation and justification.

-         Conclusion: Includes research findings, effects and applications, recommendations for research-related topics for future work, mentioning unanswered questions and ambiguous points that can be researched. Avoid citing arguments, documents, research problems, and summarizing preliminary discussions as a result.

-         The typed article file in Word with a maximum volume of 6500 words should be sent through the system after registering as an author in the journal system.

The list of references at the end of the article should be arranged alphabetically and by reference in the text in the following order:



Book: surname, name, book name, translator name, proofreader or researcher, publisher, place of publication, date of publication, date of publication.

Article: Surname, name, "article title", journal name, year / period, number, time of publication.


Reference Method

References in the text and in parentheses should be mentioned as (surname, year of publication: volume / page) such as (Tabatabai, 1417: 5/256).