Qur'anic Methodical and Modern Studies Facing Orientalism Pitfalls

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Qur’an and Tradition Sciences, Seminary and University Lecturer


The most important scientific feature of the modern period is comprehending the need to restore and regenerate human knowledge, including the Qur'anic interpretation and sciences. Researchers who have been engaged in Qur'anic studies in the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, recommended that these studies should be revised based on the achievements of contemporary western humanities and elements such as the interpretation methodology, historical criticism, literary criticism, formal criticism, hermeneutic discussions and the validation of the Muslim interpretative tradition should be added. The new paradigm emphasizes the necessity of methodology, which means the process that justifies the text comprehension and determines the process through which the meaning is obtained. This is the long-standing "algorithm" proposed in experimental sciences. This is the long-standing "algorithm" proposed in experimental sciences. The question is whether the experience of the church regarding the Qur'an can be repeated, and the Qur'anic and exegetical studies can become a non-religious and experimental activity? The current research first of all reveals the inadequacy of the recommended algorithms by looking at the methodology nature in its modern sense, which only takes the first step towards the goal of the text. It ultimately leads the reader through the first world of the text, but it is far from the end of the revelatory text, which is the second world of the text. Then, while showing the failure of some examples, it becomes clear that the studies based on these methods have the plague of externalism - which is manifested in the form of cognitive defects and lack of empathy. So, although there is no other choice but to transition to modern interpretation, there is no need to rush and worry about modernizing the interpretation based on such findings.


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