Publication Ethics

Copyright and publication rules
Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the ethics committee in publishing (copyright) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

Ethical principles of publishing an article

After submitting the article, the authors are obliged to complete the "Copyright Transfer Form **" and send it as a file to the publication's e-mail in order to prevent possible violations and protect intellectual property rights.

The journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of their articles, and readers are allowed to use them for any other legal purpose.

Legal and ethical standards in publishing articles:

The journal refuses to accept articles published in domestic or foreign journals or under review, and the author (s) must indicate in their letter of commitment that the article was not submitted or published to another journal at the same time. It will not be sent to another magazine until the final answer is received.

The publication of an article that has already been presented in lectures or posters at conferences and has been published in the summary of articles is unrestricted, but it is necessary to announce the date of presentation and the full details of the conference.

All authors of the article are aware of its submission and the letter of commitment form of the article must contain the signatures of all authors:

The author is legally responsible for not including the first and last names of all individuals.

The responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of the article, the order of the names of the authors according to their level of participation, answering to the sources providing funding for research if their name is not mentioned on the title page and answering any legal claim about copyright or content is the responsibility of the author.

The journal is not responsible for litigation between authors as well as authors with other authorities.

General principles:

The journal is free to accept or reject articles and also reserves the right to edit scientifically, literaryly, citations and abstracts of articles.

The author or authors of the article will be responsible for the accuracy of the published sources and materials in any case.

The journal refuses to accept articles that have plagiarism according to existing standards. It also adheres to copyright principles.

The content of the article should not be a copy of similar articles, and the authors of the article, if they use all or part of the published or unpublished material or ideas of another person or persons, should cite and cite the source in an appropriate manner or with permission In cases of necessity.

**** Uploading and submitting an article to the journal as well as access to all published articles is free. ****


Publications should aim to publish scientific-research, problem-oriented and innovative articles. The author and the people active in the journal (editor of the journal, members of the editorial board, editor-in-chief and publisher) must accept and agree on the ethical rules and charter of the journal. The Ethical Charter in cope is a guide for authors and contributors to the journal:

1) Publishing decisions: Copyright laws must be observed by the publication and the rights of individuals at the time of publication are protected.

2) Fair decision-making about articles: โ€Œ Decision-making about articles should be done at any stage regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious, ethnic, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.

3) Confidentiality of information: The personal information of the authors of articles for all people who have access to it, such as the editor, members of the editorial board and the internal and executive director of the journal and other active factors (other than the author) such as judges, consultants, editors and trusted publishers It is completely confidential and can be protected at any time.

4) Respect for the interests of individuals: The possibility of using the results of other research should be done with the reference and written permission of the author.

Ethical responsibility of judges:

1- Assisting the decision of the editorial board of the journal in the qualitative, content and scientific review of articles;

2- Speed โ€‹โ€‹of action in evaluating the articles referred to them;

3- Confidentiality of information of articles submitted by the publication;

4- Arbitration by presenting scientific and transparent documents and arguments;

5- Paying attention to the sources used in the article;

6- Lack of judging articles for personal purposes.

Ethical responsibility of the authors:

1- Presenting articles in a scientific and coherent manner, in accordance with the journal standard;

2- Provide raw data used in the article if needed;

3- Originality of the presented article;

4- Not publishing at the same time an article or article accepted and published;

5- Mentioning the appropriate reference in the text of the article and the bibliography;

6- Mentioning financial support;

7- Announcing the existence of fundamental errors in the article by the authors if observed at any stage of the review process.