An Analysis of Social Components of Lifestyle in Imam al-Riḍā (A.S.)’s Traditions

Document Type : technical paper



The present research is aimed at analyzing the social dimensions and components of lifestyle in Imam al- Rizā (A.S.)’s traditions and the degree of attention paid to it. This research, on the one hand, holds an interdisciplinary approach between sociology and hadīth sciences and on the other is a scientific-religious research.
The research is of a fundamental type and with a descriptive-analytical method is of the content analysis type. As for the universals and theoretical principles, it has made use of documentary research procedure. The research society is textual and includes Imam al- Rizā (A.S.)’s traditions in Musnad al-Imām al- Ri (A.S.), which has been examined in a purposeful way and on the basis of the objectives and questions of the research.
The most significant findings of the research suggest that the social dimensions of lifestyle in Imam al- Rzā (A.S.)’s traditions comprise of “association with others”, “providing social security”, “observing other people’s rights”, “state behavior”, “cognition of the concepts related to society” with an abundance of 313 themes of tradition, of which the most abundant is related to “association with others”.


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