Reappraisal of Kitāb al-‘Aql of Usūl al-Kāfi

Document Type : technical paper



Usūl al-Kāfi is a leading collection among the Shi‘a books of hadith in terms of antiquity, inclusiveness, abundance of traditions, specific order, and the validity of the traditions and its inclusion of Divine knowledge and ethics. Since dealing with ideological principles requires the intellect’s proof and validation, the late Kulayni has dealt with this issue by relying on numerous traditions. The present article seeks to explore the point that although the late Kulayni has founded this book on the basis of text, his intellectual approach is in such a way that reinforces the viewpoint that he intends to emphasize the status of intellect in Shi‘a theological school.


  1. اخوان، محمّد، «کلینى و عقل‏گرایى»، آینه پژوهش، شماره 81.
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  6. کلینى، محمّد بن یعقوب، اصول کافى، ترجمه و شرح سیدجواد مصطفوى، بى نا، تهران، بى تا.
  7. مجموعه مقالات فارسى کنگره بین‏المللى ثقةالاسلام کلینى، دارالحدیث، قم، 1387ش.
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