An Examination into the Context of Al-Tahqiq fi Kalamāt al-Qur’ān al-Karim

Document Type : technical paper



‘Allāma Hasan Musṭafavi authored Al-Tahqiq fi Kalamāt al-Qur’ān al-Karim in Arabic and in an alphabetical order in fourteen volumes within ten years. He has organized the words of the Qur’ān in terms of their roots. First, he has given the definitions of valid lexicons and literary books concerning the word, and then he has given his own view in Wa al-Tahqiq section. Under many of the non-Arabic words, he has given their roots and under every word he has enumerated the verse and verses in which that word or the words with the same root have been used. Reference to another word; using opinions of others; taking into consideration the same principle in all words; and paying attention to derivation, rhetorical sciences, and morphology and syntax are among the discourses brought up under each word.


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  5. عسکری، ابو‌هلال حسن‌بن‌عبدالله، الفروق اللغویه، دار‌الکتب‌ العلمیه، بیروت،1۴21ق.
  6. عقیقى بخشایشى، عبد‌الرحیم، طبقات مفسران شیعه‏، نوید اسلام، بی جا، 1382ش.
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