Principles of the Holy Qur’ān’s Receptivity to Inclusiveness

Document Type : technical paper



The theory of semantic inclusiveness of the Qur’ān’s words reflects a kind of exegetical method that results in the systematic expandability of the Holy Qur’ān’s words, and with some deliberation on the concept of the verses, the expanded meanings would appear to be in a staircase form. Introduced in interpretations under the titles of baṭn (inner core), ta’wīl (esoteric exegesis), and jar’y wa taṭbīq (applicability and comparison), these meanings are also named as the linear development of the words’ meanings. The realm of this method includes the Divine attributes as well as the verses consisting of scientific and social themes. This theory is based on the principles that are considered as the intellectual foundation of discourse and have a significant role in selection of the method and trend of the interpretation. These principles are: non-inclusiveness of understanding to the addressees; commitment to the culture of the Revelation age; existence of general meanings in the Holy Qur’ān; and application of words for the spirit of the meaning. It is attempted in this article to explain the above-mentioned theory while delineating its basic principles.


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