The Intertextual Relations of the Qur ān and the Letter 31 of Nahj al-Balāgha

Document Type : technical paper



The relation of a text with other texts (which is known as intertextual relation) is among the important topics of interest to researchers. Nahj al-Balāgha is one of the texts that have a close relation to the concepts of the Qur’ān, to the extent that in most cases understanding the precise meaning intended by the Imam (A.S.) is not possible except through familiarity with the “hidden text” and the recognition of the way they are related to one another. Delving into the intertextual relation of the Qur’ān and letter 31 of Nahj al-Balāgha, the writer has figured out that the most part of intertextual relations of the Qur’ān with this letter is in the form of parallel negation, and that a thoughtful and profound reading is required to understand the hidden text.


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