Semantics Explanation of the Concept Bukhl (Miserliness) in Nahj al-Balāgha

Document Type : technical paper



Miserliness as a blameworthy trait is the main topic of this article. With a semantic view, the writer has enquired into this immoral phenomenon in Imam ‘Alī (A.S.)’s sayings and found out that the conceptual analysis of miserliness in the Imam’s words is influenced by the meaning of bukhl in the Qur’ān concluding that this term has multiple meanings. He believes that in order to further remove its semantic ambiguity, first its synonymy with shuhh (greed) is to be reviewed, although sometimes these two can be used interchangeably; and on the other hand, to keep in mind the antonymy of bukhl with the concept of jūd (bounty) and sakhā (generosity).


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