A Qur‘ānic Research on Salām (Peace)

Document Type : technical paper



The present writing is a Qur’ānic research on the meaning and reality of peace (salām) in the next world, the world which is beyond this material one and is the abode of safety, felicity, and good health for its residents. In this article, with a comparative look at the abode of peace and the material world, the writer undertakes to study and analyze the verses of the Qur’ān to answer the following questions:
1. If the next world is the abode of peace and its residents are in peace and the greeting therein is peace, then who can settle in there?
2. In what way can they settle?
3. If it is needed to achieve God’s pleasure in order to reach there, how is this pleasure achieved?
4. Now that we are settled in the material world, how should we keep ourselves in good health in terms of speech and external and internal behavior so that we can arrive there and rest in peace in the proximity of the God of Peace?


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