An Analysis of the Relationship between Historical Etiology of Expediency and the "Rizq (Daily Bread)" Polysemy in Sajadieh Sahifeh

Document Type : technical paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Master of Science in Quran and Hadith, Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Ph.D. in Quran and Hadith, Allameh Tabatabai University Lecturer, Allameh Tabatabai University


In its customary attitude and everyday usage, "Rizq" is referred to as material things that one obtains. In this approach, more or less of Rizq depends on what God knows best so that He gives to whomever He wills whatever He wills. This induces doubts such as the unfairness and deterministic view of the Rizq division for each person. Therefore, the explanation of expediency concept which has long been known to the public and its root in ancient languages and the Arabic language will be helpful in explaining the relationship between its customary meaning and its meaning  as daily bread division into servants. On the other hand, a study of "Rizq" usage in Islamic religious texts to clarify the above relationship is also helpful. We can mention to Sajadieh Sahifeh which, in the form of prayer has applied a wide range of concepts, including various material and spiritual aspects of "Rizq" in different contexts and with different collocations. Therefore, in this study the customary concept of expediency was restated, relying on the historical etymology of the word. Then, the relationship between the various meanings of Rizq and expediency and its division in the Sajadieh Sahifeh by descriptive-analytic method was considered. The findings of this study indicate that the divine expedient in the Rizq division means that God grants people different kinds of Rizq to elevate their servants to a higher position. Depending on the circumstances, one instance which is not necessarily materialistic issue, replacing another with the goal of achieving excellence for the person in question.


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