Basic Approaches to Solving the Problem of Marital Disobedience and Dissension in the Qur’ān and Hadīth

Document Type : technical paper



In this article, paying attention to a psychological reality, the writer as a first step makes the point that a woman, although having more capacity than a man to live alone, is forced by a strong psychological need to

 cohabit with a man to accept many difficult circumstances. Paying attention to this issue helps the husband in the first place and then the two arbitrators to better uncover the roots of dispute and incompatibility appeared between the couple.
As a second step, the writer addresses the reciprocity of marital disobedience in jurisprudence, although in our socio-religious culture it is known to be related to the women.
The writer studies the issue of marital disobedience with reference to the Qur’ānic verses, traditions, and exegetico-legal texts and views it as a general concept which has different levels – in terms of intensity and weakness.


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