A Critical Review of the Article “Rasm al-Mushaf; Characteristics and Viewpoints”



In this article, the writer reviews and criticizes the reasons given in the article “Rasm al-Mushaf; Characteristics and Viewpoints” [written by the learned scholar Mr. Muhsin Rajabī, published in Mishkāt No. 104, winter 1388] declaring the orthography of the Qur’ān to be subject to scriptural ruling (tawqīfī) and made the following conclusions: 1. Orthography of the Qur’ān is not tawqīfī. 2. The term Uthmānī orthography is correct. 3. A considerable part of the reasons for difference in writing words in the orthography of the Qur’an can be revealed on the basis of difference in qirā’āt (readings). 4. Difference of writing words in the orthography of the Qur’an is not based on the meaning; rather, a major part of it is likely to be originated from difference in qirā’āt. 5. It seems that as the Qur’ān has not recast a new procedure in employment of Arabic literature, so has it also dealt with writing of the Qur’an and has left it up to people.


  1. قرآن کریم.
  2. رامیار، محمود، تاریخ قرآن، تهران، مؤسسه انتشارات امیرکبیر، 1362ش.
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  5. قدوری الحمد، غانم، رسم‌الخط مصحف، ترجمه یعقوب جعفری، اسوه، 1376ش.
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  8. ابن منظور، لسان العرب، بیروت، داراحیاء التراث العربی، 1408ق.
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  11. الامین، السید محسن، أعیان الشیعه، بیروت، دار التعارف للمطبوعات، 1403ق.