The Qur'an's Semantic System as a New Methoodology for its Understanding



From the first century of Hijra, various books have been written concerning the explanation and interpretation of the Qur'anic words (wujuh al-Qur'an ), uncommon words (gharib al-Qur'an ), and different senses (ma'ani al-Qur'an ), etc. A common feature of these Lexicons is their use of alphabetical order. In this approach, each word is considered not as a system but separately. As opposed to this approach, there is another approach which deals with words on semantic grounds. In this approach, each word is considered as a part of a system which is concerned with, for example, ethical, cultural, social, political, and economic aspects of human life, The present paper attempts to argue that this approach is more efficient than traditional approach in today's world of modern ignorance.