Orphan Children's Maktab Khanas Introduction of one of the Oldest Educational Centers for Children in Astan Quds Razavi According to the Existing Documents



Maktab Khanas (traditional primary schools) have played a significant role in the formation of people's scientific and cultural education. One of the oldest Maktab Khanas, which had been established in Mashhad around the Holy Shrine precinct was the orphan's primary school set up by order of Safawid Shah Tahma sb. The extant documents of this Maktab Khana indicate that this cultural center had been operative and enjoyed a relatively coherent administrative-educational system until early years of Pahlavi rule when Maktab Khanas were ordered to be closed down and substituted with modern schools.
This article tries to examine some aspects of the old education history according to the documents of Astan Quds Razavi.