Deliberation on Imam Khomeini's (ra) Last Will



The socio-spiritual testament of the founder of The Islamic R epublic of Iran is considered as a lasting and permanent charter consisting of guidelines for all reformative movements, particularly the Islamic Revolution. Guidelines which will not turn stale through the passage of time.
In view of our society's demanding needs and emphasizing on collective inte grity of the Umma of Islam, this article casts a brie f glance at the testament, pointing out some awakening phrases therein.
Resorting to the Quran and itrat (the offspring of the Prophet) retaining the unity of discourse; emphasis on the significant status of the Ulama , the people, the parliament, universities, the educational centers, and the armed forces, are parts of the testament that are touched upon here. O ther topics stressed on include warning against the alertness of both internal and external enemies and their widespread propaganda.