The Function of Ashura Mourning Ceremonies in Formalization of Shi'ism in the Safavid Era



The heart-rending tragedy of Karbala and Ashura is a worldwide and perpetual manifestation of the confrontation of good and evil, and emphatic e vidence of the final triumph of D ivine power ove r Satanic forces. The mourning ceremonies of Ashura are among the most lively and universal emotional manifestations of human history.
In this article the the function of mourning ceremonies of Ashura in formalization of Shi'ism in the Safavid era is examined. Utilizing the spiritual and emotional ceremonies of Ashura-which renders the heart of every human being-, the Safavid statesmen and custodians of Shi'ism formalized and firmly established Shi'ism in Iran. The writer has surveyed this development in the school of shi'ism, with the use of various sources and references.