Abdullah b. Tahir's Policy and Ruling Procedure in Khurasan



The great Khurasan, has constantly attracted the attention of politicians and statesmen concerning its situation and features.
In vie w of the cunning and unjust policies of U mayyids and Abbasids toward Khurasan, this region has always been liable to various events. This article takes a glance at the function of Abdulla d. Tahir's fifteen years of rule over Khurasan when he was missioned by Ma'mun to settle the Kharijites' re bellion in the re gion. Maintaining se curity; pe rforming major reforms, espe cially in agriculture ; bringing we lfar to the villagers; and promoting knowledye and science by Abdullah b. Tahir are among the tasks the people of Khurasan had rarely witnessed being performed by other rulers. This is also dealt with in the present article.