Eulogies in Persian Poetry in Praise of the Holy Imams(A.S.)



The artistic and structural specialities of Poetry have great influence on conveying the divine learnings to man's worldly status to ascend him to the celestial domain.
H e re t he ple asant e ulogie s in praise of the Ahlul Bayt ( A.S.) have pervasively represented their moral virtues as well as their practical conducts.
Composing eulogies and elegies addressing the Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) actually prospered since the second half of the first century(A.H.).
"Abdul Jalil Qazvini" in his book entitled "Naghz has presented good pieces of information concerning the poets who used to write eulogies in praise of the "Ahlul Bayt. The pre se nt article has trie d to give a brie f re vie w in connection with the virtues of the Holy Imams(A.S.) recorded in the Persian Poetry.
The compiler has here endeavoured to quote some examples of the peoms composed and written by a number of famous Iranian Poets like:
Ferdowsi, Kasaee, Nasir Khusro, Sanaii, Q awami, R azi, and some other poets.