Review the Principles of God's Action and Analyze Evil based on these Principles

Document Type : technical paper



God is the absolute agent of the world who has absolute knowledge, providence and will. If the world is the result of God's knowledge and will, is it possible to assume that evil occurs in God's creation and providence? The purpose of this article is to study and review the principles of divine action and analyze the issue of evil based on them. This study is based on the rational-traditional method. The findings of this study show that if the divine action arises from knowledge, permission, providence, will, and divine destiny and judgment, and the phenomena of the world are based on the knowledge, providence and will of God and within the framework of the lawful system, there is no room for the relation of evil to the creator of the world. What is inherently issued by God's will is pure good, and the realization of evil in the world depends on its means and is one of the necessities of the nature and also the man’s will, not the main desire of the Creator. Regardless of the fact that in the monotheistic view, the life is the field of human effort, test and elevation, and also the criterion of good and evil is something that has a real benefit and remains for human beings.


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