Special Divine Help Conditions in the Supreme Leader’s Qur’anic View

Document Type : technical paper


Quranic department, Razavi University. mashhad


Inspired by the guidelines of the Qur'an and traditions, as well as using the experiences of the tumultuous years before and after the Islamic revolution, the Supreme Leader always draws the attention of the people and officials to the special divine help along with the use of all facilities. This study intends to study the conditions of having special divine help in his thought by studying the Qur’anic principles and the narration of the views of the Supreme Leader which are crystallized in his statements on different occasions. The results of this study show that in his Qur'anic view, special divine help, in line with all religious teachings create mobility and responsibility. Due to the frequent experience, especially in the forty years of the Islamic government, it has an objective, real and calculable role in his thought. But special divine help subject to conditions such as believing in divine promise, prayer, recourse, strategy, jihad, realism as well as avoidance of wonder. If those conditions are fulfilled, the special divine help is definite and inviolable.


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