Systematic Review of Qur’an and Tradition Interdisciplinary Studies; Cognitive Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Qur’an and Tradition Sciences department, Theology faculty, Alzahra University, Tehran

2 , Phd, Qur’an and Tradition sciences department, Member of interdisciplinary group, Qur’an and Tradition Sciences, Alzahra University, TehranMember of the Research Group for Interdisciplinary Studies of Quran and Hadith,

3 , Instructor, Member of the interdisciplinary group, Qur’an and Tradition Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran


Quantitative and qualitative research review in particular fields provides better understanding of how research is conducted, how methods are used, and how progress is made. The process of conducting research activities, especially interdisciplinary studies which have resulted in new achievements, should be assessed with systematic review in order to identify previous studies, approaches, and topics that researchers like. Also, it should be a criterion for carrying out future researches, so gaps and appropriate fields can be identified. As a systematic review and citation evaluation of cognitive linguistics studies are among the tools proposed in the field of interdisciplinary studies of Qur’an and tradition, the current study focuses on all the research conducted in the period of 2006 to 2021in the form of 112 articles, 9 treatises, 15 theses, and 6 books. The publication process, determining the most prolific authors and the most cited books and articles, calculation the amount of citation to various information sources, determining the language coverage of citations, assessing researchers’ participation and cooperation, and evaluating the content and quality of works are among the accomplishments of the present study.


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