Problem-oriented Encounter as an Interpretive Approach “God Who Is Not Questioned” Case Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student, Faculty of Theology, Tehran University

2 Tehran University Professor


The present article deals with research issues related to verse 23 of al-Anbiya' Surah and their methodical classification along with answering method for each issue. This research seeks to answer this main question that how the problem-oriented approach can go beyond the problem and the difficulty of the “God who is not questioned” concept, to different problems in three sets of message analysis, message basics and metamessage to achieve the message and at the same time ensure the goodness of these issues. In the "message analysis" section, the research method is the logical analysis of the verse’s content structure in the form of four sub-branches: meaning expression, conceptual analysis, propositional analysis and systemic analysis. In the "analysis of the message basics” section, using the explaining the "causes" of the verse’s messages method, we analyze the imaginary and affirmative bases of the verse’s contents, and in the "Analysis of the Meta-Message" section, we analyze the consequences, accessories, results and objective effects of the verse’s contents. The problem-oriented encounter with “God who is not questioned”, considering the multi-origin nature of the issues hidden in the verse, passes the dangers of incoherent intermingling of the boundaries of disciplines, one-dimensional and referral interpretation, the application of theories to the verse’s content and arbitrary interpretation. It shows the necessity of inter-discipline in verse interpretation and methodical application of context analysis, old and new logic, philosophy and theology.


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