Analyzing the Projection of Those Who Deny the Prophets' Call from the Qur'an Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student, Qur'an and Tradition Sciences, Shiraz University


  Over time, people have had different reactions to the prophets' call and the basic teachings of the Qur'an. In some Qur'an verses, God Almighty has outlined the deniers' speech and behavior, which shows the projection and lack of mental health; an issue that most deniers try to defend their thoughts, actions and beliefs, while this itself shows the psychological imbalance. This article explains projection as an indicator of lack of mental health with a descriptive-analytical method, and has examined the reaction and speech of those who deny the prophets’ call in the Qur'an. The findings show that the deniers' projections were associated with acceptable appearance, accusations and contradictions. According to the Qur'an's verses, the deniers accuse prophets and believers, among which we can refer to knowing the prophets’ call as a myths, calling prophets cruel and liars, knowing Qur’an as a lie and calling the believers stupid.  Examining the deniers’ projected behaviors shows that things like ignorant prejudices, following self-made criteria about the prophethood position and failure feeling and abusing the ignorance of the common people can be a base for the emergence of such behaviors.


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