Analytical Study of Human History Spiritual Leaders Concept and Example; Holy Qur'an Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Qur’an and Tradition sciences, comparative interpretation, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor, Qur'an and Tradition Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Yazd University

3 Assistant Professor, Qur’anic and Tradition Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Yazd University (corresponding author)

4 Associate Professor, Qur'an and Tradition Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


In the Holy Qur'an, the reason for man's coming to this world is to achieve the highest performance form: "Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct" (67:2). Undoubtedly, from the beginning of human creation, there have been eminent people who have actualized this goal. The Qur'an mentions these people as prophets, righteous people, martyrs and notables. This article aims to clarify with a descriptive-analytical method what exactly the Holy Qur'an has explained in the verses for these four groups. For this purpose, after proving that they are the best and most perfect human beings, first the concept of each is clarified in thematic interpretation, and then to eliminate the conceptual interference and to clarify the distinction, with Looking at the human history from the beginning until now and paying attention to the narrative evidence, the example of each of them will be clearly explained. The results of this research show that the prophets, righteous people, and martyrs each had clear and distinct examples throughout history, and the true examples of the righteous will be in the age of occultation until the time of the appearance of the promised savior (A.S.).


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