Thematic Distinction of Jurisprudence and Ethics Review Based on Qur’an and Traditions

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Theoretical Ethics, Islamic Ethics and Psychology Center, Qur'an and Traditions Research Institute, Qom


The relationship between jurisprudence and ethics is one of the important and influential issues in Islamic knowledge. Various views have been proposed regarding their relationship, which can be divided into three spectrums of unity, disharmony and interaction. In this article, one of the distinctions between the two, based on the Qur'an and tradition’s teachings, and for the benefit of union of jurisprudence and ethics, has been examined and criticized. The proposed distinction is a subject distinction, which means that the subject of jurisprudence is human behavior and the subject of ethics is the virtues. The method of discussion is the collection, classification and semantic analysis of narrative propositions. As a result, three arguments based on narration can be made on the lack of separation between behaviors and properties. The purpose of separation is to form two separate knowledges for properties and behaviors. These arguments include the unity of context in dealing with virtues and behaviors, the integration of topics related to behavior and virtues, and the greater importance of the human being than behavior.


Main Subjects

  1. قرآن مجید.
  2. نهج­البلاغه.
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