An Inquiry into the Creator’s Justice and Evil from the Qur’an’s Perspective

Document Type : technical paper



Two Islamic tenets of the Creator of the world are absolute justice and the Best of creators. On the other hand, devastating incidents such as floods and earthquakes seem to be incompatible with those tenets. The article is written in response to this misconception and shows that these incidents are natural and inevitable and are in line with one of the definite Divine precedents, i.e., human trial, in order to reveal what conduct man would show in any situation and incident.
If we have a panoramic look – and not a close-up glance – at the world incidents, we would see that, as implied from the verses of the Qur’an, what we call evil is not only necessary, but is also good in the overall world order; or if it is evil for some, its goodness is generally more than its evil, like the positive and negative poles in an electric circuit.
The real evil comes from Satan and the misleading self, which is “moral evil”, leading families and the society to destruction and worst of all, it is the injustice that the arrogant powers do to other countries with their belligerence, rather than the rare incidents like earthquakes.


نهج البلاغه
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