The Language of the Qur’an as an Innate Disposition from the Viewpoint of Ayatollah Jawādī Āmulī and Comparing it to Other Theories

Document Type : technical paper



Since long ago the question has been raised among the interpreters and theologians as to what style and method God has made use of to talk to His servants. The language of innate disposition is among the most important theories on this issue, which Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has brought up. To put it more clearly, if the Qur’an does not belong to a specific time and place, it necessarily needs to enjoy an extensive language that is eternal, universal, and general and encompass various states, modes of being, and circumstances. In other words, it has to enjoy three features of durability, generality, and application and such a language is the language of innate disposition that would neither vary nor transform. It is tried in this article, while giving a definition of and expressing the lingual features of disposition as well as explaining its proofs and evidences, to specify various dimensions of this theory and its superiority over other viewpoints brought up concerning the language of the Qur’an. Keywords: features of disposition, language of disposition, language of the Qur’an, components of the language of disposition, Javadi Amoli.  


قرآن کریم
نهج البلاغه
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________، دین شناسی، اسراء، قم، سوم، 1390.        
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