The Greatness of ‘Ashūrā Incident and Its Survival Mystery

Document Type : technical paper



Different opinions have been expressed about the purpose of
Imam Hussein (A.S.) uprising and martyrdom in ‘Ashūrā. The
author, referring to Imam's words, describes his goal as a great
forbidding the evil, which is the conversion of the Islamic
caliphate into a hereditary monarchy by Muā'wiyah. Then Yazīd
asked the Imam to allegiance to stabilize his government.
Obviously, the Imam did not swear allegiance to such a libertine
person, and the dispute led to jihad.
The inequality of the two corps and the tragedies that had
occurred for Prophet's grandson turned the event into a great and
sad tragedy that had affected ages. We know that one of the
attributes of God is "Shakūr", which means gratitude to the
devoted servants. In the sad event of ‘Ashūrā, in addition to the
reward of the hereafter, which is dedicated to the martyrs, the
grateful God has also commemorated the name of these patient
and sincere people in the world, as their name is said every day
and night in the meetings with moaning and wailing so people do
not forget ever them.


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