Ethics of Research

Document Type : technical paper



Ethics is the primary and comprehensive issue of the human society. Happiness of human beings is the product of a perfect and proper ethics. The most important concern of the Prophets, Friends of Allah, and philosophers is the human ethical life. Paralleled with development in human intellectual cycle and scientific achievements, ethics has faced new challenges. The present writing is the outcome of a scholarly session, in which Dr. Ahad Faramarz Qaramaleki presented an ethical discourse in relation to research management to a gathering of researchers in Shaykh Tousi Hall of the Islamic Research Foundation. His primiray emphasis in this session was on the role of image and the mentality that exists in relation to ethics, especially ethics in research and this image determines our type of encounter with ethical issues as well as its efficacy. The point concluded from the importance of ethics is the preference of ethical encounter with social immoralities, in which case the applied researches can solve problems and postpone the legal interference (that may be vulnerable) and make the society achieve its objectives through long lasting ethics.
