Study of the Unity of Divine Lordship in Ṣaḥīfat al-Sajjādiyya

Document Type : technical paper



The Unity of Divine Lordship is among the most significant ideological discourses in many religions, especially Islam, the commitment or non-commitment to which is an important index in distinction of some sects such as the Mu‘tazilites from other Muslim sects. In one respect, the study of the principles and roots of this discourse in the Infallible Imams’ (A.S.) narrations is of high importance and most of the theological principles of Imāmiya are based on this very narration heritage of the Imams (A.S.).
The sublime mystical, theological, and philosophical doctrines (ma‘ḥrif) of Ṣaḥīfat al-Sajjādiyya have since early times till now guided the Muslim thinkers, and in particular, the Shī‘a scholars. For instance, the manifestations of the Unity of Divine Lordship such as unity in sovereignty, legislation, sustenance, guardianship (wilāya), forgiveness, intercession, and guidance are frequently seen in supplications and whispered prayers of Imam al-Sajjād (A.S.). The Imam (A.S.) has elucidated the profound rational doctrines in the Umayyad’s suffocating atmosphere for the human beings yearning for doctrinal knowledge.  


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