The Qur’ānic Human Being in the Thoughts and Movement of Imam Khomeini (ra)

Document Type : technical paper



As a metaphysician and social reformist and due to his intimacy with and appealing to the teachings of Islam and the Qur’ān and his own specific mystical attitude, Imam Khomeini brought up the idea of returning to the pure Islam, Islamic upbringing, and Qur’ānic man. Concentration on the structure and content of that idea constitute the basis of the present discourse. Hereby, it is attempted that, with the discourse-analysis procedure and by attitude explanation, the Imam’s thought about human identity is dealt with to clarify some of his humanistic principles. The findings suggest that the Imam considered a high status for human beings. In his opinion, the only way for the actualization of humankind’s inner talents is through following reason and the teachings of the Prophets and the chosen friends of Allah, which would pave the way for their return to their original position in the Paradise. With this Qur’ānic and spiritual thought, the Imam was able both to call humankind to move toward their perfection and to train a generation, whose main demands were the formation of an Islamic rule and uprising against the royal regime.


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