Islam’s Capacity for Creation of Global Civilization

Document Type : technical paper



Civilization, which represents the collection of spiritual (culture) and material (industry and technology) savings and structures of human society, on one hand, tries to create collective identification by rejecting individualism, and on the other hand, the intermingling of each civilization field with the interests and substructures of its components, such as religion, poetry, and philosophy is somehow a reminder of individualism of peoples and nations.
The author tries to explain the discourse that: the world civilization is apt to be designed and ideated in its passage through and by launching a world religion and vice versa; and its resultant is the capacity of Islam for creating a world civilization, which is delineated in three directions: 1. Human artifacts, 2. Divine artifacts, 3. Trans-artifacts, and the notion of world civilization/world religion can be believed in at the peak and magnificence of trans-artifacts without any coercion and imposition. This article presupposes that the appearance and dynamism of human civilization would be followed by development of religion and the perfect religion is the one that can respond to all the concerns of this dynamism and the quest arisen from human civilization.


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