An Analysis of Macro-Level Frameworks of Islamic Economy in the Statements of the Supreme Leader Islamic Economy, a Civilization-Making Economy

Document Type : Review articles



In respect to the highly serious emphasis of the Supreme Leader on economic discourses in recent years and especially his emphasis on solving the society’s economic problems in the form of the Islamic economy model, it is tried in this writing to analyze in a comprehensive way the theoretical view and the approaches and strategies delineated by him in the Islamic economy discourses as an Islamic theoretical and domestic view in creating Islamic civilization and solving economic problems.
This is a method close to content analysis along with a comprehensive look, along which the cross-textual interpretation method has to some extent been also used. The conclusion made in this article is that the leader has considered the Islamic economy model as one of the frameworks of the grounds for creating Islamic civilization and the foundation for solving Islamic economic problems with a theocentric outlook. In this framework, solving the economic problems of the country will lead to the stability of the order of Islamic Republic.


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