An Investigation into the Causes for the Deviation of the Muslim Community in Ḥaḍrat Zahrā’s (S.A.) Sermon

Document Type : technical paper



Distancing from the miracle and heritage of the Seal of the Prophets, the Qur’ān, and the infallible and purified Ahl al-Bayt paved the way for deviation of the Muslim community after the departure of the Prophet (S.A.W.). The disunity and the deviation developed among the umma due to negligence of the profound knowledge of the Divine source of Revelation and the conduct of the Infallible Imams (A.S.) has not yet left the Muslim community. In the meantime and given the necessity of preserving the unity of the Muslims in today’s world, the only liberating way for the seekers of true Islam, is holding on fast to the sīra and sunna of the Infallible Imams (A.S.), whose political and social life has not for a single moment been contrary to the rich verses of the Revealed Book of Allah. Close examination of the sīra of the most purified Zahrā (S.A.) and the sermons of her holiness, especially the sermon of Fadak, which symbolically represent her opposition to the deviation developed in the world of Islam, is the best path toward sublimation of public life and preservation of Muslims’ solidarity.
The present research hypothesizes that by deliberating on the sermon of Fadak, the cause for the disunity among the Muslim community would be unveiled and the practical ways of extricating from it would be revealed in the strong and rich lecture of this matchless lady. Using the library and documentary method and with a descriptive-analytical approach, we intend in this article to delve into some parts of this noble sermon and explore the causes of the deviation of the Muslim community. The results of the research denotes that according to the sermon such elements as seeking worldly gains, feebleness, seeking power, secularism, turning one’s back to the Qur’ān, and failing to defend Imamate, and so forth, have been the most fundamental causes of the deviation of the Muslim community.


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