A Study of the Perfect Believers’ Behavior in the Holy Prophet’s (S.A.W.) Words (The Case Study Analysis of a Hadīth)

Document Type : technical paper



The interrelation of faith and action is one of the emphatic  and principal doctrines of the Qur’ān and traditions. There may have been two origins for this crucial aspect: 1. Prevention of the creation of deviated impressions in the nature of faith; 2. Establishment and preference of culture of pragmatism. Apart from theological discourses in the epistemology of faith, in the atmosphere of the traditions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Infallible Imams (A.S.), faith is seriously correlated with action, and this action is the foundation for perfection of faith and increased efficacy. An example in this regard is a tradition related from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) about the signs of perfect faith. All these signs are the basis for the hypothesis of the following writing, ‚Faith becomes perfect in the presence of action (whether a mental action or performance of an action) and the faithful person achieves a logical and behavioral moderation in all  dimension; so that all his movements and thoughts appear to be  wisely. The research method employed in this article is of contentanalysis type and description of the propositions of the tradition.


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