A Study of Secure Attachment Effect on Emotional Intelligence and Religious Empathy Formation in 1-3 Year Old Children, Religious Teachings and Psychology Perspectives

Document Type : Original Article


1 assistant professor of Qur’anic Sciences and Education University, Head of Berlin Academy of Qur’anic Sciences

2 M.A in Qur'an Sciences; University of Qur'an Sciences and Education


Attachment is a deep emotional bond that is established between people. According to psychologists, safe attachment between children and parents at the age of 1-3 plays an important role in children's emotional growth and development, increasing intelligence and religious modeling from parents. In religious teachings, polite speech and behavior in the family have been emphasized.
The findings of this study, which was conducted with the aim of analyzing the role of attachment styles in the development of emotional intelligence and religious acceptance, and to examine the connection between children’s secure attachment and religious upbringing in a descriptive-analytical correlational and comparative method, indicate that the child’s attention to the emotional needs, affection and loving speech will lead to the secure attachment formation and increase emotional intelligence. This makes parents, as heroes of life, role models for the child, and their religious behavior and speech make the child’s bond with the Almighty God and religious teachings.


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